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Clinton Era Over

For better or worse, the writing is on the wall. It looks as if last night’s results have ended the Clinton-dominated era of the Democratic Party begun in the summer of 1992.

“Surge” Loses Control of Baghdad

The gem of the “surge” are the bribed Sunni anti-Al Qaeda leaders, who head the “awakening councils” around the country. Their enemies are now bombing away at them at will in the heart of Baghdad. What more do you need as evidence that the “surge” has failed? Oh yeah, I guess there’s always the rivers […]

Senate Votes For Retroactive Immunity for Domestic Spying

Telecommunications corporations will be unconstitutionally absolved of responsibility for breaking the law, although the only major company who refused to participate, Qwest, could see that it was illegal and has been heavily punished for refusing to go along with the others and spy on Americans illegally without a court order. Although only a bare majority […]

“We’re Killing a Lot of People”

John McCain thinks this is great and should go on for a thousand years. Please read this link.


Gunmen fired at both Xanana Gusmao, and Jose Ramos-Horta in a coordinated attack. Horta is in critical condition in an Australian hospital. These are two very tough men who fought the occupation of East Timor by the Indonesian military from 1975 to 1999. I once interviewed Horta myself in 1999. The latest news is that […]

ORU “Funnelled” $1 Billion Per Year

There is a term for this. It’s called money laundering.

McCain All But Officially The Nominee As Baghdad Drowns in Sewage

And all of America equates McCain with the Iraq war.


West Virginia McCain, Huckabee and Ron Paul voters (you know, the “purist” ones obsessed with following the Constitution to the letter) join together for some Iraq-style democracy on Super Tuesday. Check out this Republican math:

41% of GOP delegates want Romney

33% of GOP delegates prefer Huckabee

16% wanted McCain

10% wanted Ron Paul

So […]

Tagg’s Inheritance Safe

Romney begins to cancel campaign events. But before the day was done, his campaign flack did manage to get in this outrageous racist hit on John McCain’s family. More on this later.

Romney Tells The Truth for Once, Gets Instantly Attacked

Romney is right: John McCain is the Bob Dole 1996-style candidate. Too bad the Mittster is going down for good today just as he discovers an ability to tell the truth.