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Huckabee Jokes to NRA About Shooting Obama

You think I’m the one who’s joking, but I’m not.

US Consumer Confidence Lowest Since 1980

There was a gas crisis going on back in 1980, by the way. These numbers are not good.

Obama Hits Back

Bush’s unwarranted attack yesterday was a great opportunity, and now Obama has taken it. WATERTOWN, South Dakota (Reuters) – Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama said on Friday President George W. Bush’s “failed policies” had strengthened U.S. enemies like Iran and Hamas.

Responding to Bush’s comment on Thursday that those who want to talk to Iran […]

“You Are a Security Threat”

The total incompetence of the Department of Homeland Security under Michael Chertoff, the real screwup of Katrina (much worse than “Brownie”) continues.

Bush Accuses Obama of 1930s-style Appeasement

So the general election campaign has begun. “We have heard this foolish delusion before,” Bush said in remarks to Israel’s parliament, the Knesset. “As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: ‘Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.’ We have an obligation […]

Fill in the Blanks

Shown here in purple are the US counties which voted 65% or higher for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries so far. West Virginia and Kentucky voted today. In spite of this trend, I predict that as with other states, Clinton will get less of a victory margin than predicted. Just as inevitably, the media […]

Troops Killed in Iraq Cremated By Pet Service

This is how much George Bush and the Pentagon care about you when you die in the service of your country. The practice was discovered because an officer escorted one of the bodies to be cremated, which is supposed to be standard practice. By that time 200 had been cremated in this way.

McCain Used Senate Post to Get Sweetheart Land Deal for Major Donor

How about that? Actual reporting on news of substance concerning that “other guy” who is running for President. Another sign that Obama has the nomination wrapped up, I guess.

Obama to Take Lead in Pledged Superdelegates

Today Barack obama gained 5 or 6 more Democratic Party superdelegates, reducing Hillary Clinton’s lead to 2 or less, with some 257 still uncommitted. demconwatch is the most accurate web site I know of in tracking superdelegate status, and they have the total at 269.5 to 268. Obama will take the superdelegate lead, probably within […]

Superdelegates Hit With Flood of Threatening E-Mails

From Clinton supporters threatening to vote for McCain if and when Obama wins the nomination. If you were an uncommitted Democratic Party superdelegate, what effect do you think this would have on your vote?