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Bush Homeland Security Aide Caught On Tape Offering High-Level Access For Donations To Bush Library

This is the actual headline, and it’s accurate.

Not That It Matters

John McCain definitively ineligible to be President under the US Constitution. Don’t tell President Cheney, who was also ineligible since he was from the same state as the unconstitutionally court-appointed “President Bush,” about this.

Don’t Worry, We’re in Charge

The scariest phrase there can be when it’s coming from the clowns of the Bush Administration. Oh and don’t forget the bonus, Karl Rove defied a subpoena from Congress and refused to appear at a hearing. The only track record worse than Bush’s on the economy is Congress’s on enforcing the law.


Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac “Insolvent”

Not Good. Too Big to Fail, anyone?

Jay Adams is Free

I can hardly get anyone to comment no matter how outrageous things get these days, so here’s a change of topic. Who’s Jay Adams, you say?

FISA Bill Passes, Gutting Constitution

This is a day of national disgrace that will permanently be remembered in the history books, until they censor the history books, which is much more likely as well now.

NC State Employee Refuses to Lower Flag for Helms

Someone in North Carolina understands what America is supposed to about. Too bad the same thing can’t be said for at least half the US Senate.

RALEIGH –L.F. Eason III gave up the only job he’d ever had rather than lower a flag this week to honor former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms. Eason, a 29-year […]

McCain: Let’s Kill Random Iranian Civilians

As with all of this man’s insane babblings, imagine Barack Obama standing there, saying the exact same thing to reporters, and the week or more of outrage that would immediately erupt.

FISA “Fix” Amendment Fails

As I predicted here, all along. Â Obama will vote in favor of the totally unconstitutional “law,” his vote actually determining the final outcome, not just contributing to it. Â The 4th Amendment has essentially been repealed from the US Constitution.

Don’t Wait for the Translation!

So the Bush Administration actually claimed yesterday that the media must have mistakenly translated Maliki when he said he’d call for a timetable. Wrong. How pathetically desperate were they to try and buy a few hours by claiming that the translation of Maliki’s declaration, which was quite clear, was incorrect.