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Waxman Threatens Attorney General With Contempt

He had better follow through, I have a lot of respect for Waxman, he’s the best investigator in Congress, but it would look very bad if Waxman does not back up his threat.

Maliki Suggests Timetable for US Troop Withdrawal

The guy’s acting like he’s the leader of a sovereign nation or something.

UPDATE: The foreign military occupying Iraq is a little confused on this “sovereignty” thing.

US Air Attack Kills 22 Afghan Civilians

Associated Press

America Celebrates Independence Day Patriotically

US Missile Kills 290 Iranian Civilians

This happened twenty years ago on July 3, 1988. The next day, Vice President George Bush said this: I will never apologize for the United States of America. I don’t care what the facts are.”

UPDATE: A reporter did their job by actually asking about the anniversary at a State Department briefing. The response from […]


New York Times– but remember, Pelosi and Reid say that impeachment is off the table. Are we ever going to get the rule of law back? The 1957 article from which the chart was copied was entitled “Communist Attempts to Elicit False Confessions From Air Force Prisoners of War” and written by Alfred D. Biderman, […]