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McCain Hoaxster Will Be Charged in False “Obama Mugger” Case

As predicted on this blog, the story was a total fabrication. The “Drudge Report” continues to feature the hoax as TRUE at this hour.BONUS: Last night John Moody, Executive Vice President of Fox News, said this in a racist editorial: If Ms. Todd’s allegations are proven accurate, some voters may revisit their support for Senator […]

Another Victory for the NRA

This is what happens when a lobby group for gun manufacturers insists that the mentally retarded should be allowed to buy and own guns.

Bush in Surprise Endorsement of McCain-Palin


Runs in the family?

Honestly, totally separate from the McCain angle this is the funniest “stupid 911 call” I’ve heard in a while.

Andy Griffith, Terrorist


Those Amazing Muggers

NOTE: The KDKA story linked to here has been scrubbed here, go here to see the contents of the original story, which originally showed McCain involvement in attempting to gin up racism in connection with the hoax.

Don’t have a Willie Horton handy? Â Just fabricate one of your own. Â Get ready, lots more […]

McClellan To Vote for Obama

Scott “I cannot comment because that is part of an ongoing investigation” McClellan.

McCain Plans Concession Speech

This isn’t “taking responsibility” like Eisenhower on the eve of D-Day. This is running from your own supporters and your own party. Amazing.

The “Real America”

Washington Post reporter “surprised” at the enthusiasm for Barack Obama in Richmond, Virginia, the Capitol of the Confederacy.

Puttin’ On the Ritz

Charging the state for very fancy stay at the Ritz-Carlton for her kids? You betcha.

BONUS: Charging the RNC for $150,000 worth of high fashion clothes and accessories? Yessirree. Calling the next US President a “socialist”? Why not?