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Glug… Glug… Glug…

See the mean old man. See the mean old man go down the drain.

Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa “Gone,” Say McCain “Insiders”

I don’t know which is funnier in this CNN report, the total denial of some of McCain’s people, or the total denial of CNN in using 4-week old polls to claim that such states as Missouri, where Obama has now led in every poll for over a week, are still somehow “red states.” This is […]

The Ratings Are In

And “Joe the Plumber” is a total flop. Unless he gets arrested or “busted” in some other way, this will probably be the first and last post ever on this blog about “Joe the Plumber.”

Fannie Mae Hired GOP Firm To Kill Recent Regulatory Attempt

So the “McCain Bill” (which he only signed on to 10 months after it was introduced, after it was nearly dead) to put some token regulation on Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac in 2005 was killed by a GOP lobbying firm after a secret $2 million payment. Who else did they secretly pay? Rick Davis, McCain’s campaign […]


Caught in 2004 doing this, the GOP nevertheless hired him again. Here is an excellent blog post summarizing what happened. Send these following two links to every inconceivable person you can think of that might be affected, pre-emptively. Here they are, the 2004 arrest was covered by the St. Petersburg Times, the rehiring by the […]

Palin Gets Funny

Hell Freezes Over

The Bush hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, has just endorsed Barack Obama for President of the United States.

Hundreds of Thousands Purged From Voter Rolls

The GOP time bomb known as the “Help America Vote Act” is set to explode. Will it be the 9/11 of voting, or the Y2K?

This Is What They Did To America

This person is a member of the US Congress, and could even get re-elected unless you do something about it.

Irish Bookie Declares Obama Winner, Pays Up

I am not one to encourage people to sit on their laurels. But this shows how bad it really is. 9 to 1 odds, and no point in waiting anymore to pay off those who bet.