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US Anthem Restored

By Pete Seeger. Today at the Lincoln Memorial he led a crowd of hundreds of thousands in singing “This Land Is Your Land,” making a point to include his friend Woody Guthrie’s original lyrics normally left out of the song for political reasons. After the video are the little-heard verses:

There was a big […]

Gaza Doctor’s Family Killed By Israeli Tank Attack As He Does Television Interview

Here is the video. The anchorman is talking via cellphone to a Palestinian doctor who works at Israel’s largest hospital. As they are conducting the interview, an Israeli tank fires into his home, killing his two daughters and other family members.


Circuit City ist kaput.

Bush Makes Farewell Address To The Nation

During the address, on live national television, President Cheney nodded off.

20,000 Million Dollars In The Dead Of Night

From lame duck Bush to the Bank of America.

Bush Official: “We Tortured Qahtani”

As the remaining hours of the Bush Administration tick down, the truth suddenly makes an appearance as a top US official admits that all prosecution for a top 9/11 planner had to be stopped due to the brutal US torture he was treated to.

Crawford, 61, said the combination of the interrogation techniques, their duration […]

Empty Seats at Bush’s Last Press Conference Filled By Interns

Not enough reporters were even interested in showing up. By the way, that press conference was the worst disaster of his 8 years of press appearances as President.


According to Huffington Post, if this pans out it’s quite a scoop for them.

Olmert Made Bush Change Vote On UN Resolution

Reversing promises that Rice had made to arab states. Rice then lied, saying that something the Egyptians had done had caused the US to change its position, when in fact it was a phone call from the Israeli leader.

Ron Asheton, 1948-2009

Any rock and roll musician not influenced by Ron Asheton is either tasteless or ignorant. Decades from now, his music on the first two Stooges albums will still be played. Why is the famous wildman Iggy Pop screaming and hooting like a maniac on the song below? Because Ron Asheton’s guitar had been blasting in […]