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Harman Wants Holder To Release Wiretaps of Herself

She’s doing this stunt for two reasons: number one, much of that material is still classified for good reason due to the Israeli spy case; and number two, any of it that is released, and perhaps the publicity being generated now as well, may help the two accused spies in their upcoming criminal trial. She […]

Key Torture Memo Still Kept Secret

Why won’t they release it? Not only that, but the same author uncovers another legal memo, meant to oppose and warn against those claiming torture was legal, that was apparently systematically destroyed by Bush officials.

Bill Keller Is a Liar

Yesterday, with the spotlight on him, Bill Keller of the New York Times said that the paper was never pressured by Jane Harman, D-CA, to drop the domestic spying story back in 2004. Now the paper reverses itself a day later and admits she did.


Jane Harman, Democrat-CA, the only Democrat to ever claim that Congress was properly briefed about domestic spying by the Bush Administration, was caught on an NSA wiretap conspiring with the two AIPAC lobbyists now charged with spying for Israel. When this happened, Alberto Gonzales intervened and killed any prosecution of her, because the Bush admin […]

I’ve Always Hated McAuliffe

And here is one more reason why:

Rich vs. Poor Gap Tripled Since 1979

This is your country. This is what they’ve done to it. Notice the detail in these graphs, one of the peak periods of the rich getting richer compared to the poor was under Bill Clinton.

I’d Like To See Him Try

I’ve had more than enough of this treasonous “secession” bullshit from Rick Perry. Put up or shut up. GOPers pull this crap all the time, and in the long run not only is it bad for those of us who are sane, it also drives the inevitably-disappointed wackos who love it, in this case a […]


Obama intentionally refuses to redact certain passages in torture memos, thus revealing that Bush has disappeared a “ghost detainee” in Iraq. This isn’t the only new revelation today from the documents, which are still being read by reporters: The memos include what in effect are lengthy excerpts from the agency’s interrogation manual, laying out with […]

Georgia Senate, Oklahoma House and Senate Vote To Secede From United States

This is a literal fact. If the assault weapons ban from the Clinton era is restored, the Georgia Senate and both houses of the Oklahoma legislature have voted to disband the United States of America.


The torture memos have been released, this is only the beginning. UPDATE: Glenn Greenwald in the “Update” section in this post has now done the same thing I did below, only he has briefly covered all 4 memos.

Clamped around the neck behind a false wall, with the head slammed repeatedly and fear of […]