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Clear Channel Implodes as Limbaugh Walks Off With $100 Million

How many laid-off Clear Channel workers would still be on the job if Limbaugh had not hauled away $100 million?

GOP Leader Runs From Science

People like this were in charge of our safety for eight years. You should watch this video.


Maine’s governor has signed the law, making Maine only the second state to legalize same-sex marriage by legislation, and the first in the nation to have both the legislature pass it and the governor sign the bill.


It’s about time, since Specter just was quoted today saying that he hoped Coleman would steal the election from Franken. So now he’s just Arlen, 79 years old and the Littlest Democrat.

NPR: DOJ Probe Will Recommend Disbarment

The first trial balloonfor how to deal with the torture planners. We should reject it and howl for prosecutions.

Bush Officials Attempt to Water Down Torture Report

As always, interfering with an investigation of the Justice Department, now from the outside instead of from the inside.

Reaganism’s Legacy in Rust Belt America

Nearly thirty years of Reaganomics did this to the midwest. This is a must read.

US Soldiers in Afghanistan Shown on Al Jazeera Proselytizing to Afghans

This is an absolute disaster and shows how Bush has destroyed the effectiveness of the US military. Here’s another example, “JESUS KILLED MOHAMMED”.

US State Dept. Keeps Silvio Rodriguez Away From Seeger Tribute

This is a disgracefully pointless and stupid act by the State Dept. and I’d like to know who was behind it.

4th Grader Confronts Rice On Her Role in Torture

She’s so guilty that it is that easy.