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Limbaugh Pushed “Birth Certificate” Hoax Minutes Before Shooting at Museum

Yesterday I said:

…don’t jump to conclusions about gunman, maybe Rushbo didnt send him over the edge.

The Nazi killer in DC drove to the museum while Rush Limbaugh’s show was in its third hour on the East coast; it appears that yesterday I may have cleared Limbaugh too soon. Did the gunman hear […]

Over To You, Brent

Can’t embed the video here, so you will have to use this direct linkto it. Murdoch is losing millions and millions on this channel. Since “Fox News” was invented with the express purpose of creating an “alternate reality,” why would anyone in their right mind trust this corporation to tell them the cold truth about […]

Nazi Gunman Starts Shootout With Guards at Holocaust Museum in DC

Not much info on this yet, don’t jump to conclusions about gunman, maybe Rushbo didnt send him over the edge.

UPDATE: Shooter is a crazed anti-semite, white supremacist, holocaust denier with long record of hatred. He argues that Obama’s birth certificate is fake, see it here while you can.

UPDATE 2: One of the security […]

The End of Terry Mcauliffe

Couldn’t happen to a better guy. Good riddance, let’s get rid of Carville next, I never want to see his face again.

Assassinated Victim’s Clinic Closed Permanently By Murder

Still not allowed to use the word “terrorism” or anything similar in the US media.

Lieberman, Graham, Obama, CIA Fight to Censor Torture Evidence

Lieberman and Graham are threatening to shut down the Senateif they don’t get their demand to give the President unconstitutional power to withhold government documents. This is wrong, all of it, and Obama will regret being associated with it. I also predict that the US Supreme Court will refuse to hear the case and the […]

The Year is 2009

And only now can strange things like this happen:

E-Mails Show How Torture Corrupted DOJ

From the top down. James Comey was one of the only top officials to attempt defending the DOJ from being involved in illegal torture. He failed. But Gonzales, after sharing Comey’s concerns with the Principals Committee, who included then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Cheney, Addington, and others, told Comey they were not persuaded by […]

Scarborough Exploited Previous Doctor Assassination To Get Elected

Lowest of the low, and I’m sure Newt and Rush are still proud of the slimy cynical tactics of the Class of 1994 alumnus.

Burger King Owner Continues Inhofe-Style Defiance on Global Warming

It’s interesting to see that Fox News can lie all they want to, when they are “news media” and charged to inform people of the truth, while simultaneously heavy pressure is placed on a cranky individual who wants to fight reality. Inhofe and others can say this on the Senate floor and on national television […]