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I refer you to this, the story of Hal Baumgarten and his experience in Normandy.

I drew this big Star of David on my field jacket, with the “Bronx, New York,” underneath it. It was my act of defiance. I didn’t expect to live through it. I wrote home to my sister, Ethel, who lived […]

Tennessee Legislature Overrides Veto, Allows Guns in Bars

Yeeeehaaaa! Take that, Chairman Maobama and the Feminazis! Say the legislators whose state also hosts the Creationist Museum. Darwinism has now been licensed to do its job in Tennessee, bullet by bullet.

Senator Liar Lies

Like the lying liar he is. Oh, and he is the one who is un-American.

Jihadists React to Obama’s Cairo Speech

Right here in our own country.

Patients Remember Assassinated Doctor as a Hero

Because he was, read these. Here is one of the stories posted by a patient about the man that Bill O’Reilly hounded for years, calling him “Tiller the baby killer” until he was assassinated in his own church on a Sunday morning.

In 2002 I found out I was carrying triplets. My husband did not […]

Summary of Obama’s Cairo Speech

Worth reading, and there is a link there to the entire speech.

Obama Breaks With Bush, Clinton on Human Rights

When a US President says something like this in a worldwide televised speech on the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, it sends a signal, even though the words may seem mild. I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years, and much of this controversy is connected to […]

Coleman Knows He Is Beaten

Minnesota Supreme Court will likely rule in the first or second week of July and Franken will be seated. There is a lot of chatter about Coleman running for Governor; I think it’s hype and that he’d get clobbered by angry Minnesota voters if he tried it.

FBI Was Warned About Assassin By Other Clinic, Did Nothing

Over and over again, the clinic people even videotaped Roeder super-gluing the locks on their doors shut. This goes back to 2000, and all the way up to the weekend before the assassination of Dr. Tiller. All the FBI ever did with this convicted, violent criminal is “talk to him” despite the fact that they […]

Pelosi: Congress Member Must Put Expenses Online

This would be the end of a major scam and if she follows through with it, it will be the best thing done by the Speaker of the House in probably 40 years.