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Hate-Radio Clown Arrested For Threatening Elected Officials With Death

It’s true that this is “only internet radio,” but this is a sign of things to come as reality closes in on the wingnuts. Â This is a must read story.

Gay Marriage Legalized in New Hampshire

But why should anyone have to wait until January 1? What was that state motto again?

“Tell The World”

Where were you on June 4, 1989?

Possible Explanation of Air France Crash

After reading this, reports that the black box likely won’t be found are especially irritating.

Man Who Murdered Doctor in Church Was In Contact With “Operation Rescue” Felon

I think this blog post makes a series of good points, with plenty of web documentation, about the strange and thin defense put up by Cheryl Sullenger, whose phone number was found in Roeder’s car. Sullenger was herself convicted of plotting to bomb a women’s clinic, and spent two and a half years in prison […]

Shocking Investigation Results on “Voter Fraud”

The headline here is sarcastic, check out the results of an investigation done by the Oklahoma State Election Board after the Tulsa World breathlessly reported that “dead people were voting in Oklahoma,” a common right-wing lie often used as “justification” for unconstitutional, intentionally racially discriminatory voter-ID laws and restrictions, currently being pushed by Oklahoma GOP […]

Cheney Ran 2005 Congressional Briefings For Reviving Torture

And this year, the CIA scrubbed his name from the “authentic original” documents, the very same ones that supposedly “proved” (they did not) that Pelosi was briefed about the torture sessions on detainees. Â And no, Pelosi was not present at a single one of these secret, covered-up, Cheney torture sales pitches.

The Clueless President

I wonder how “articulate” Bush thought Rice was?


The responsibility and the burden, however tough it is, is on you, President Obama. Put a stop to this.

Fourth “Apparent Suicide” at Guantanamo

Just announced. The hunger strike continues, all but unreported in the US media.

The Yemeni prisoner, known as Al-Hanashi, has been held without charge at Guantanamo since February 2002. Military records show he was about 31. His is the fourth apparent suicide at Guantanamo.

The U.S. military says the remains will be autopsied by a […]