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CIA Gave Blackwater Millions in Secret Payments

For some sort of unspecified, probably highly illegal, shit that may be part of Cheney’s “Program X.” Â The New York Times certainly wants you to think it was part of Cheney’s secret program. Â The hiring of mercenaries was definitely both secret and improper, and put the Bush administration in a compromised position as […]

“Viper Militia” Fan Organized Gun Toting At Obama Event in Arizona

Viper Militia. No big deal, it’s just the people who wanted to blow up Federal Buildings in the 90s.


The referendum would force complete withdrawal of US troops by the end of 2010, a year earlier than the US officially wants to do it.

Murrow’s Grave-Spinning Reaches Escape Velocity

CBS runs as fact some impossible claims by a shadowy, fly-by-night right-wing astroturf group. What’s next CBS? Alien invasions? There was much, much more basis for the infamous Dan Rather story on Bush’s lack of service in the Texas Air National Guard.

“I’m going to a place where there are no blogs.”

Robert Novak, the Douchebag of Liberty, has died of a brain tumor. Most people don’t know that he was also a television producer, of such shows as “The Capital Gang” on CNN for many years, and also a television show with his columnist partner for many years, called “Evans and Novak.” Here is a classic […]

Congressman Encourages Bringing Guns To Town Hall Events

You can’t make this stuff up. Gingrey is the same self-righteous, Bible-boasting person who, when asked by Stephen Colbert to recite the Ten Commandments, couldn’t think of three of them.

At Least 12 Wear Guns Outside Obama Speech

And at least two of those people were wearing assault rifles, in one case stuck down their pants. Although this is legal, if the numbers of people doing this continue to increase, it’s going to be impossible for the police patrolling these events to keep a close eye on every armed person, when the President […]

Scalia, Thomas Formally Argue For Executing Innocent People

Once again he says that it is “constitutionally irrelevant” whether a person proven to be innocent is executed.

Formidable Opponent

Stephen Colbert shouts down Stephen Colbert on health care reform, but their debate is disrupted by an irate right-winger in the audience. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c […]

Standoff at LA Federal Building With Man Who Threatened President

Picture right now the fits of anxiety going on among corporate PR people over whether he will say something about the health care bill. Here is the story so far.

UPDATE: The guy has been trapped in a car for hours and won’t get out. Bomb-squad robots are being used around him, he’s completely surrounded […]