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“Death To Obama” Sign-Waver Detained

Not much significance to this, other than the increasing frequency of work for the Secret Service dealing with people who directly threaten the life of the President of the United States due to a corporate-driven hysteria campaign. Below, Rachel Maddow on Wednesday night lists the death threats, violence, and threats of violence so far in […]

Wingnut Shreds Rosa Parks Poster; Victim Gets Paraded On National TV As Bad Guy

This is what happens when the national media falls for the bait and runs down to “town hall” meetings looking for spectacular video. Last night I saw a clip from Missouri being repeated over and over again, without context, showing an African-American woman, seemingly upset, being carted out of a Claire McCaskill town hall by […]


The story goes mainstream at the top of the McClatchy chain’s page.

Your “Liberal Media” At Work

Washington Post reporter John Solomon did everything he could to spy on fellow reporter Dan Eggen and to undermine and soften a Washington Post story at the crucial beginning of the US Attorney purge story. Remember, at this time it was Josh Marshall at who had raised this story into the public consciousness, so […]

Man Arrested For Gun Before Obama Event

Carrying a knife into the hall, with a loaded, unlicensed gun back in the car. Whenever you have gone to see a serving President or even a candidate’s rally, how many deadly weapons did you take with you? How many did you have on you in the hall itself? Had this individual been carrying the […]


E-mails released by Attorney General Eric Holder show that Rove lied to the public, and it means he lied to the Judiciary Committee under oath when his testimony was finally recently forced this summer. Â He lied extensively to Congress, which is illegal, and he did it just weeks ago. Â Rove and Miers were […]

Palin Stole “Death Panel” Scare From Gingrich

Note how Newt’s first suggestion is “Down’s syndrome babies.” This is also not the first time that Palin plagiarized Newt Gingrich, at one of her last speeches while still Governor she plagiarized from Gingrich while speaking before him at the same conservative event. Is she simply Newt’s ventriloquist dummy?

Swastika Painted On Door of Congressional Office

In Georgia, the evening after this occurred: Rep. David Scott, a Georgia Democrat, who came under scrutiny after accusing a local doctor of “hijacking” a recent town hall meeting is standing by his remarks and says some of the conservative protesters are motivated by racism.Mr. Scott, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, appeared on […]

More Town Howler Freak Outs

Meanwhile, TPM reports that some civilian’s carrying a gun at the upcoming Obama rally.

Palin’s Alaska “Death Panel” Killed Senior Citizens

Here is an explanation as to why Palin would conjure up images of government bureaucrats killing elderly and disabled people: her State government did it under her own tenure. The abuse and level of death from neglect was so extreme that the Federal government had to intervene, something that had never happened in any other […]