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U.S. Troops Raided Hospital After Attack That Killed Civilians

This is criminal stuff. Oh, and Karzai’s “re-election” is a monstrous fraud.

Evil President To Convert Millions of Innocent American Children to Communism Within Hours

I wonder if these parents, who are fearful and “protective” of their kids, bought this parental control software which actually spies on your kids’ private chats?

Death of a Marine

Many newspapers have run this recent story about an August 14th firefight in Afghanistan, but most of them have omitted one photo transmitted by AP to its subscribers. The story describes the death in combat of 21 year old U.S. Marine Joshua Bernard, shown here in his dress uniform.

The story is an excellent […]

Plainclothes Drug Agents Kill Innocent Pastor on Video

He drops off a “suspected” passenger, so undercover drug agents fill him full of lead. On video.

Inhofe: There “has never been a case of torture” at Guantanamo

The latest installment in Jim Inhofe, hateful, transparent liar.

65 Year Old Man Attacked, Beaten To Ground For Supporting Health Care Reform

This is what happens when GOP officials cheer violent rhetoric.

A 65-year-old man rallying in favor of healthcare reform was knocked to the ground by a man who disagreed with the call for a government-run health plan outside of a Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce meeting headlined by Sen. Bill Nelson.

Luis Perrero of Coral […]

“Start Spreading the News”

Words can’t express the marvel of this.

Health Care Opponents Scream Through Moment of Silence for Ted Kennedy

This is who they are, and this is what they do.

Conservatives have kept an eye on the increasing use of Kennedy’s name at health care reform rallies. In areas where health care reform was already unpopular, Kennedy’s name has provided no boost, and occasionally even an angry reaction from crowds, according to some staffers. […]

US Chamber of Commerce Celebrates “Scopes Monkey Trial”

And wants a remake, in order to “discredit” climate science. These idiots, who represent the largest corporations in the United States, are giving away the game. The Republican Party, and most of U.S. corporate business, has been taken over by a mentality that comes from intolerant religious zealotry. Don’t believe me? Try this one, from […]

Rep. “Great White Hope” Jenkins Laughs At Single Mom’s Ineligibility for Health Care

Just plain evil. The people that have been elected to Republican positions in Congress repeatedly choose to use the word “kill” in reference to the health care bill, they prefer saying it over “stop the bill” or “vote the bill down.” The hate from the Republican voters, and yes it is one-sided, is tearing up […]