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For lying to the White House and tax crimes.

Bachmann’s Plan Leaked

Michelle Bachmann, R-MN, who is acting as a cheerleader for the corporate front group Americans for Prosperity, has used the hate-media to whip up a crowd to “storm the capitol” today in DC. Here is her plan as sent to the foot soldiers.

UPDATE: Full wingnut alert. GOP members of Congress are speaking on national […]


Kidnapping and other crimes.

Let the Purges Begin

I realize tonight’s election results are not in yet, but Dick Armey, corporate goon and creator of the town hall attacks, is about to begin a ‘purity’ purge of the Republican Party. He’ll do it regardless of the outcome of tonight’s races.

Soldier Apparently Smuggled 100 Pounds of C-4 Off Base

Who was this guy hanging out with?

Boxer Outmaneuvers Inhofe

On his attempt to roadblock climate change legislation.

Lying When It Counts

In New York’s 23rd District Congressional election tomorrow, the Republican candidate has dropped out of the race and endorsed the Democratic nominee, in opposition to the Conservative Party candidate, a nutbag favorite of Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, etc. How did “Fox News” deal with this? By flat-out lying and falsely reporting that the Republican […]

The Race Problem

Is with white male voters.

Note that Oklahoma’s airheaded men voted more stupidly than those in Arkansas, and those of Texas were even worse than in Oklahoma. What is going on in their stupid little heads? Politics must be so confusing for them. Also note the difference between Arkansas and its neighbors in all […]