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Colbert Reveals Solution To Gulf Oil Disaster

This guy is a national treasure. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c […]

BP Oil Disaster Monstrously Undercovered By Media

No comparison with past major oil spills.

Arlen Specter, Toady To Power

TPM made this classic video. All of the footage is from Arlen Specter for Senate ads, 2004 and 2010. Specter has an opponent in the Democratic primary, Joe Sestak. Obama, obviously, is not supporting him.

Personal Taxes In US at Lowest Rate Since 1950

These are average tax rates, of course, which average the tax breaks for the rich into the totals. However since teabaggers and talk-radio fans are constantly encouraged to identify with the rich, and that they will also be rich someday, then they don’t have much room to complain if the tax burden is regressive on […]

GOP Audio Tape Reveals Secret Plan On Kagan

The plan: lie, lie, and lie.

Two First Hand Accounts of Oilwell Explosion

This one is from a worker who was on the rig. He called in to right-wing radio host Mark Levin’s show in order to dispel lies being spread in the wingnutosphere that the government was involved in the explosion in some way. Here’s the perspective of a fisherman who saw the explosion from the water. […]

“Guardian Angel” Judge Prevents Justice in Civil Rights Murder

He is making sure there will never be a trial despite the indictment of the killer of Jimmy Lee Jackson. Jackson’s death inspired the Selma to Montgomery marchers over the Edmund Pettus Bridge. This was the scene when they arrived, the killer was one of the troopers.


There are multiple versions of this AP story on the web. Read this version, which details the number of BP executives and also describes the scene at the moment of explosion, for some reason later stories alter or omit these sections. Halliburton engineers removed a safety fluid too early, according to this Times-Picayune story, causing […]

Anti-Gay Crusader Paid $61,000 By Florida Before Hiring Prostitute

This is how the Christian Right operates. Earlier this week, famous anti-gay activist Dr. George Rekers was spotted returning from a European vacation with a gay prostitute/escort he hired from infamous website NBC Miami points out that Bill McCollum, Florida Attorney General and leader of the state AGs suing against the Health Care Reform […]

Bush’s Corrupt Regulators Allowed BP To Drill Without Blowout Plan

We’re talking about the Minerals Management Service, the organization that in an official report was identified as a cesspool of drugs, drinking and actual sex with the industry they were supposed to be regulating. Bush’s “regulators” were literally in bed with the oil company personnel.