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US-Mexico Border Shooting Intrigue Deepens

The US Border Patrol agent who killed the unarmed, 15 year old boy, may have been on the Mexican side of the border when shooting, which is against Border Patrol rules. If so this would allow prosecution in Mexico. The shooting was unjustified under any circumstances because the unarmed boy was no threat. The media […]

Nelson: BP Well Heavily Damaged And Leaking Below Seabed

As originally contended by this blogger nearly two weeks ago, to much skepticism from some. Â Â The situation is much worse than can be fixed by the long list of BP stunts, including the current “cap” and the next BP planned attempt as well.


Bush Used Prisoners As Subjects Of Medical Experiments

Not unlike Mengele, the purpose was to improve torture techniques. These are very definitely war crimes, some of the worst types of war crimes in fact. Bush should be tried and imprisoned for approving this program of human-subject experimentation.

Whistleblower Transferred Out of Massey Mine Days Before Explosion

And then fired for talking to reporters when he came to get his paycheck at the Upper Big Branch mine office after the explosion.

Shrek Kills

Stay away from this shit. Fascinating story.

Gigantic Underwater Plumes Confirmed As Oil By Laboratory Tests

Therefore Tony “not my company anymore” Hayward is a liar.

Obama Ordered End To BP “Top Kill” Farce

And I am very glad he did. In fact I thought he was behind the decision, and now it is reported as news. According to this story, one of the reasons that the procedure failed to work is one that I had suspected and predicted: the well is seriously damaged below the seabed.

Worker Killed On Rig Spent Last Leave Making Out His Will

And getting his affairs in order. Jason Anderson was killed on the drilling floor when the Macondo BP well exploded on the night of April 20, 2010. He worked on the drill floor and had direct knowledge of BP’s bad practices. Investigative reports that have already been released show that he was an eyewitness to […]

Israeli Commandos Fired On Ships Before Boarding

Not only was the shooting unprovoked, but those in Israel who read the newspapers already knew that a violent attack on the ship was planned.

BP Succeeds In Obscuring Oil Flow From Accurate Estimates

The current “effort” to “contain” the oil spill has little to do with avoiding environmental damage, although BP certainly won’t mind selling off whatever oil they can pull up out of the contraption they have built. It does serve a different purpose, which is of a much higher priority for the company, which is a […]