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Republican Values

GOP DA sends dozens of “sexting” and harassing text messages to victim in the abuse case he is working. Stay classy, Republicans. Â I guess he was inspired by Mark Foley’s trailblazing work.

Teabaggers Uber Alles

Media darling and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Christine O’Donnell, who won the Delaware primary last night, speaking Bill Maher’s TV show in 1998:

O’DONNELL: A lie, whether it be a lie or an exaggeration, is disrespect to whoever you’re exaggerating or lying to, because it’s not respecting reality.

MAHER: Quite the opposite, it can […]

Tea Party Float Depicts Obama Whipping White Child

Somehow they forgot the blackface, opting for an Obama mask. What exactly is the intended message here? Â I will translate. Â “Obama” is cracking the whip on his “White” victim, a “future taxpayer,” who is forced to “pull” the huge loaded down wagon (ignore the giant, fuel-wasting pickup truck made by an American company […]


Aaron Fotheringham is one crazy dude, and more of a skater than most of us will ever be. He belongs on a crazy Mount Rushmore with Danny Way and Bob Burnquist, and Matt Hoffman.


Murdoch’s Tabloids Tapped UK Phones

And now the story is that there was a cover-up involving Members of the UK Parliament who may have been either blackmailed or too intimidated to take action. Â Scotland Yard is also accused of involvement in the cover-up.

Death In The Neighborhood

No one deserves this. Â The petroleum-addicted lifestyle we all live in the United States is a vicious circle of war, death, illness, and destruction.


Jacob Isom is hereby nominated, not just for Skater Of The Year, but for American Of The Year.

Protesters threw their hands on the grill Grisham planned to use to burn the Quran, someone took his lighter and Isom stole the Quran, leaving him with just lighter fluid.

Hat off to those organizing […]

Man-made Natural Gas Line Explosion Flattens Over 50 Homes

This is what happens when you structure a society around petroleum energy. Â “Safe, clean natural gas” is incredibly volatile and explosive. Â Most people are completely unaware of where the gas lines and infrastructure are. Â It’s also naturally invisible and odorless. Â Many people are missing. Â The size of this explosion, from […]

“American Bin Laden” Arrested

The popularity of “tea party” rhetoric in the GOP and the media will only encourage more nuts like this.


Who will win? We ignore copyright laws, YOU decide!
