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Murdoch Paid Police For Wiretap Access, Tried To Spy On 9/11 Victims

I would say “beyond belief” if this weren’t News Corporation we were talking about.

UPDATE: A BRITISH WATERGATE, only with the “press” as the criminals in cahoots with the right wing party.

UPDATE 2:News Corporation to investigators, journalists: Please tell us what you know about what we have been up to.

Ron Paul Is A Fucking Idiot Clown

Any Paul fans hiding out there? This is your chance, come at me. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. I invite you to get on a “concealed carry” airplane and see what happens to the function of the aircraft when bullets start flying during a routine domestic dispute, or an altercation over who gets the […]

News Of The World Editor and Cameron Aide Arrested Over Wiretapping

No, not the one who now runs all of Murdoch’s papers, whose job remains untouched while they kill the hideous News Of The World after 168 years. The other one, the former editor who was a top aide to the new British Prime Minister, was the one arrested. Keep an eye on Britain and their […]


750,000 spectators in Florida just watched the space shuttle launch from Kennedy Space Center. Last year’s NASA budget for the entire agency was $9 billion. The same year, we as taxpayers paid $20.2 billion to air condition the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan.


News Corp. Wiretaps Directly Interfered In Murder Case of 13 Year Old Girl

This is how Murdoch rolls.

Inhofe Sickened By Algae In Grand Lake

Misses climate denial conference speech. Good timing, Oklahoma environment.