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The Bridge To Nowhere

Due to the events in the post directly below this and others like it, Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan for his Vice Presidential candidate. Ryan is a pork-barrel wizard, not a deficit cutter, and he voted for the Bridge To Nowhere (of Sarah Palin fame) to get more money for his district. Alone with […]

Fired By Bain And Lost Health Insurance? Move to Massachusetts, Says Romney Campaign

So amazing it should never be forgotten.

July 2012 the Hottest Month In US History

For the mainland 48 states.

Life On Earth Still Hostage To Nuclear Disaster

Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Number 4’s spent fuel rod pool is precariously dangling and with it the survival and health of billions of people.

Pentagon Cover-Up In Kabul Hospital

This is sickening and beyond Walter Reed. Warning, incredibly graphic and horrifying.

Harry Reid, I Demand You Release My Tax Returns

Beyond absurd

Gore Vidal Attacked Upon His Death by Michelle Bachmann

I am sure he would consider this a badge of honor.

Romney Plan Raises Taxes on Poorest 95%

You can’t make this stuff up. He’s going to “fix” the economy by taxing people who are underpaid and/or jobless? People now foreclosed out of their homes?