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Reid Says Romney Is A Freeloader

And of course, Mitt won’t prove that he is not one.

NRA-GOP “Fast and Furious” Gun Conspiracy Theory Collapses

Eric Holder has been completely cleared, and he is cleaning house anyway to keep these Bush-era shenanigans from happening again.

Colbert Corrects “Inelegance” Of Romney’s Insults

Funniest person on television.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Mitt Romney’s Secret Video Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive […]

Republican: Sprinkle Radioactive Waste On America

Meet Arthur Robinson, running for US Congress in Oregon:

“All we need do with nuclear waste is dilute it to a low radiation level and sprinkle it over the ocean – or even over America after hor-mesis is better understood and verified with respect to more diseases.” — Arthur B. Robinson, Access To Energy, Vol. […]

The Vulgar, Unprintable Phase

Has now begun for the Mitt Romney campaign. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of unenthusiastic, incompetent mercenaries.

Obama Campaign Shoots Fish Found In Barrel

But no one ever said that isn’t fun.

Sure beats the hell out of this.

Ann Romney: “Mitt doesn’t disdain the poor.”

This video was posted, then removed, from the Romney campaign website tonight. Here’s the text version that gets to the point about what she said.


Fox News Never Showed Fundraiser Video

Or mentioned the controversy, at all, until well after Romney spoke in a desperate press appearance late last night. This means Fox fans were blindsided by having no idea what Mitt was talking about when he suddenly appeared on viewers’ screens, talking about a video that the Fox audience had never heard of.

George Romney, Successful and CEO Governor, Was Once On Welfare

Yet another of the 47% of Americans who are moochers, that is if you believe the words of Mitt’s own mom. How much did Obama’s Kenyan father and Kansas mother, from Hawaii, pay her to say that?

Romney: The Full Video


Part One

Part Two

Romney’s Divide And Rule Strategy

This is a must read.