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Berg Concedes To Heitkamp

Nate Silver got this one wrong, and I’m so happy he did.

Ohio TV Anchor: “I Had No Choice”

Yes, you did. You could have been a journalist.

Marriage Upheld And Legalized

Marriage between consenting adults was legalized in Maine, and an amendment outlawing it (for same sex couples) was defeated in Minnesota. Votes are still being counted in Washington, where it is likely that a measure legalizing gay marriage will win.

Karl Rove Arguing That Ohio Was Not Won By Obama

Let it live on forever. Press play, then press rewind, then press play again.

Karl Rove Argues With Fox News Election Call

The actual election callers, the number crunchers for Fox, stood by their call. Keep in mind that by this point in time, Obama had obviously won the Presidency without Ohio.

Fox News ‘Decision […]

Two Florida Criminals Removed From U.S. Congress

Rivera is an election fraudster and West is a war criminal and torturer. Both of them are Republicans. Both of them lost their seats.


Former Massachusetts Governor and vulture capitalist Mitt Romney conceded the election to Barack Obama, nearly an hour after he irrevocably lost it when Colorado went to the Democratic candidate. Virginia was called for the President by the news media, making it a Romney loss at that point even if Romney had won Ohio and […]


Romney at this hour will not concede, even though Obama went over the top with Colorado. Give Florida, Virginia, and Ohio (all of which Obama leads in) to Romney, and Obama still has 272 electoral votes. Obama has won irrevocably and inescapably and Romney refuses to concede.


Ban Computerized “Voting” Machines


From the person who shot the video:

I’m the guy who shot the video, hopefully this doesn’t get burried. You guys have questions, I have answers. My wife and I went to the voting booths this morning before work. There were 4 older ladies running the show and 3 voting booths that are […]

Romney To Campaign In Pennsylvania On Election Day

And also in Cleveland. This is again being done as a pretext to declare a combination of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida “too close to call” on election night, before the inevitable Romney loss, probably of all three states.

GOP Robocalls Send Democrats To Wrong Polling Place

Of course they send them to the wrong polling place. There is absolutely not mistake whatsoever. And in Ohio, thanks to Jon Husted, poll workers are ordered not to help you find the correct polling place.