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Oklahoma, The Permanent Austerity State

They are doing to us what the US wants to do to the people of Ukraine, and what the EU has already done to Greece, and Spain, and Portugal. Oklahoma due to low wages meaning low tax revenues will be perpetually behind almost all the other states.

3 comments to Oklahoma, The Permanent Austerity State

  • jerry francisco

    Nice move General Secretary Fallinov. Forget local & county governments – make a proletarian collective decision for the okie masses.


    Nice move Duce Fallini. Forget local & county governments – make a totalitarian corporatist decision for the okie masses.

    and just like those two countries, a big chunk of the population just shrugs and accepts it

  • doubleagent

    Bravo. I think the political mode of operation in this state has become to oppress anyone other than wealthy, white, males, then have a platform that proclaims to offer a solution… It’s getting more difficult to be a proud Oklahoman.

  • I think the Gov opens up for election in November 2015. It seems like a long road until then. Let’s hope we get a viable candidate, not someone even more partisan (right-wingnut). Fallin’s recent actions and comments on the state’s death penalty are sickening. In a recent quote about our upcoming DOUBLE EXECUTION she said the convicts are now about to “face justice,” which to me, seems a very cavalier stance when it comes to authorizing the taking of a life. Of course, when it comes to the life of a fetus, she chooses the opposite stance, but with equal lack of perspective, as if only the unborn can be innocent, so therefore nobody else (except her)has the right to choose. So tired of feeling unrepresented.

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