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Fallujah, Ramadi and More In Militia Hands

New York Times.

Neocons, Iran-Contra Crooks Caught in Massive Spy Plot

This has massive implications. It is huge. It goes to the heart of how the Iraq war was foisted on the Congress for approval with WMD lies. Reports are flying everywhere (rumors and hearsay so far) that this spy investigation of Feith leads back to the fake documents saying Iraq was trying to buy uranium […]


More the Bush NYT interview. He completely contradicts his own policies on Iraq, global warming, and North Korea “Well, I don’t think you give timelines to dictators and tyrants,” then goes to the final stroke:

On mistakes made in his first term: Ms. Bumiller: At your last big press conference, you said that you […]

Devastating Dump of Census Report

A month early, by Bush’s orders, the Census Bureau has released the poverty, income, and insurance statistics for 2003 and they are terrible. Now it is official, according to Bush’s own Census Bureau, that 1.3 milion were added to the poverty rolls last year, and 4 million added to the group of Americans that are […]

2004 US Deaths in Iraq Exceed 2003 Deaths

Now, how can anyone possibly say the situation has “turned the corner?”

Deserters For Truth

Now I want this ad on my TV and radio for two and a half weeks, blocking out the issues.

Pinochet Stripped of Immunity

Boy it feels good posting this.

The Worm Has Turned

New York Times interview with Bush (Karen Hughes babysitting)

Mr. Bush did not hesitate when asked about the central charge issued by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the veterans’ group that has leveled unsubstantiated attacks against Mr. Kerry’s record in Vietnam. “I think Senator Kerry should be proud of his record,” Mr. Bush said. […]

Perspective on Whitewash Torture Reports

I recommend that if you want to know what the reports say, either check here or read the actual pdfs of each report themselves, skipping the news articles. This editorial points out how wrong the news headlines that are coming out really are about the content of these reports:

The panel said no explicit policy […]

US-Backed Guardsmen Kill 20 Demonstrators

Iraqi National Guardsmen open fire on demonstrators in Kufa, at least 20 shot dead.