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Italian Judge Orders 13 CIA Agents Arrested

For these renditions that the corporate jets are used for.

The Bravery Of Being Out of Range

Young Republicans love the war, but won’t put on the uniform and fight.

Six Marines Killed in Car Bomb Attack

They were in a SEVEN TON truck. At least four of these Marines killed were female, which means they were technically non-combat troops. This makes Friday the worst day for American women in uniform killed since World War Two.

On Thursday, for the first time in the war, a large number of women suffered and […]

“The Other Guy’s Sacrifice”

Mainstream columnist comes clean.

Kennedy Tells Rumsfeld to Resign

To his face:

“This war has been consistently and grossly mismanaged,” Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat, told Rumsfeld. “And we are now in a seemingly intractable quagmire.”

“Our troops are dying. And there really is no end in sight. And the American people, I believe, deserve leadership worthy of the sacrifices that our fighting […]

Killen Gets 60 Years

The maximum sentence for the 3 manslaughter counts.

Also, read this: the MAYOR of Philadelphia testified that the KKK was “a peaceful organization” in the trial.

Abizaid Buries Cheney Lie About “Last Throes”

AP– causing Rumsfeld to scramble for a way to cover and excuse what Cheney said.

Tom DeLay is a Crook

Washington Post – they don’t even want to do a straight news article about it, because they are cowards, instead they turn it into humor and amusement. Here is the New York Times version.

David Grosh, the bartender/lifeguard whose “think tank,” set up by Scanlon, DeLay’s former staffer, paid for DeLay’s trips (when they […]

Abramoff Strongarmed Tribe to Give $ to DeLay PAC

This is similar to the revelation that money from the arms for hostages scam went to the contras. AP. This is SO FAR beyond the worst allegation on the subject – it goes from “DeLay hangs out with man who ripped off tribes” to DELAY REDIRECTED TRIBAL MONEY TO PRO-BUSH CAUSES and the tribe falsely […]

Killen Verdict

Guilty – Manslaughter, all 3 counts

Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner were murdered 41 years ago tonight.