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Abramoff Strongarmed Tribe to Give $ to DeLay PAC

This is similar to the revelation that money from the arms for hostages scam went to the contras. AP. This is SO FAR beyond the worst allegation on the subject – it goes from “DeLay hangs out with man who ripped off tribes” to DELAY REDIRECTED TRIBAL MONEY TO PRO-BUSH CAUSES and the tribe falsely recorded the donations as going to DeLay’s PAC.

Later, one of Abramoff’s assistants would ask the tribe to void and reissue a second check to ARMPAC, this time for $20,000.

“Jack Abramoff asked me to forward these checks to you that have been returned from the various groups because they need to be re-issued with either different addresses or names,” the assistant wrote in April 2002.

A month later, the request came in to reroute the $10,000 donation from Texans for a Republican Majority to America 21, the Christian organization that works on voter turnout.

America 21 calls on Americans to “repent” and says September 11, 2001, showed “America has lost the full measure of God’s hedge of protection.”

A ledger entitled “Coushatta Requests” shows thousands of dollars next to the names of dozens of congressmen and political action committees, Democrat and Republican alike – though mostly Republicans. A tribal official said the “requests” were actually demands made by Abramoff.

Also, news from the hearing yesterday.

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