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Bush Determined to Recess Appoint Bolton

If “necessary” – this just happened, Bush refuses to answer questions about it which gives the show away. Now the question is whether Frist will even allow the scheduled vote to take place.

Here is what this is all about: the Bolton opponents have figured out that he requested and read wiretaps on CIA and […]

Iran Intel Chief Thanks Bush

For the great “churchgoer” turnout of his hard-line party’s “base” in the Iranian election.

Nagasaki Hell: Censored for 60 Years

These are the reports of Pulitzer Prize winner George Weller, who evaded the US military and made his way into Nagasaki to see the effects of the atomic bomb. All of these reports, printed now for the first time ever in a Japanese newspaper, have been censored literally until today. Weller died in 2002.

More British Documents Leaked

Sunday Times– A highly recommended summary is here.

FBI: Terror, schmerror

Frightening AP story.

On the ground in Iraq

“Last Throes” indeed.

No district of Baghdad, with Iraq’s highest concentration of troops, is remotely safe. And a rare drive outside the capital last week showed how anarchic the hinterland has become. To move concrete blocks for a new checkpoint near a base at Taji, 15 miles from Baghdad, American troops blocked the main highway […]

Hagel Dares to Tell the Truth

US News & World Report.

Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel is angry. He’s upset about the more than 1,700 U.S. soldiers killed and nearly 13,000 wounded in Iraq. He’s also aggravated by the continued string of sunny assessments from the Bush administration, such as Vice President Dick Cheney’s recent remark that the insurgency is in […]

Soldier Crippled in Guantanamo Beating Sues

There is no mystery; there is no uncertainty. This is how they actually treat prisonerss at Guantanamo Bay. All that had to happen is just a few short minutes for this guy to be mistaken for an inmate and look what was done to him.


On a Saturday, but nonetheless the AP has authenticated the memos.

Note the image below and the contents of the lead – at this moment it’s the top news story on Yahoo news for example, which has a wider “circulation” than any newspaper in America- this is now cleared to be in every small town […]

US Trained the Uzbek Killers

This is news. Meanwhile, an Afghan Minister warns that Iraq-style daily violence is coming to Afghanistan, home of the “successful” war that killed Pat Tilllman.