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Law Students Turn Their Backs on Attorney General

Abu Gonzales stepped up to the plate for his part in the Rovian PR campaign to “popularize” illegal spying on Americans today. This was at Georgetown Law School. A number of the law students stood up on their chairs and turned their backs to him, which definitely distressed the Georgetown people hosting the event. CNN […]

Hayden Admits Spying Violates Constitution

This speech proves it; we are in a constitutional emergency situation in this country.

When asked what level of certainty was needed in determining that someone was connected to Al Qaeda before a warrantless wiretap was conducted, General Hayden acknowledged that the decision involved “art as well as science.” But he compared it to intelligence […]

US Dept. of Justice Pushed Georgia Poll Tax

Washington Post – the lawyers at Justice are beginning to revolt against the corruption. Justice is systematically disenfranchising Americans, stealing their civil rights, and they’re firing and forcing out the career professional lawyers who object.

Halliburton Gave Contaminated Water to US Troops

Associated Press

Conrad Burns Caught in Abramoff Corruption

Sweatshops – forced abortions – forced prostitution – now it’s not just Tom DeLay, but Conrad Burns as well.

Iraqi Town Becomes a Prison

US landmines in the streets between families’ homes. Daily raids. A wall around the city, no one allowed to work and make a living. Yeah Cheney, we are doing great in Iraq.

“It Could Just Be a Lucky Shot”

3 US helicopters shot down in 10 days. Oh and here’s another “lucky shot.”

In the first month after the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division took over security duties in northern Iraq in late fall, roadside bombs killed or wounded more than a quarter of the 34-man platoon.


A few weeks before, Bartlett and […]

Jason Leopold Clarifies Story on NSA Spying

This is a much more well-written article than the one he wrote two weeks ago, concerning pre-911 domestic spying by the NSA.

The “Perfect Wave” of Corruption

Company that bribed “Duke” Cunningham subpoenaed in the DeLay money laundering case.

Treason Times Thirty

New York Times