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Abramoff: We Give to GOP, Not Democrats

Great AP story showing the proof.

Majority Doesn’t Trust Bush on Iran

Bloomberg News

US News: Tom DeLay on “Short List” for White House Job

Oh please let it be true.

US “Iraq Document Dump” Has Plants

Planted documents that have nothing to do with Iraq at all, but a lot to do with Al Qaeda and terror. How convenient.


John “no more torture and this time I pretend I really mean it” McCain had a “town hall meeting” as part of his 08 campaign, in New Hampshire:

“I’m not getting anything I really need and my grandchildren are getting saddled with $9 trillion in debt,” said Diamond, a Keene retiree. “Why should I vote […]

Bio-Labs Lie Story Hits a Nerve

As explained in the story linked below, Bush’s May 2003 “we have found the weapons of mass destruction” claim was a lie, the best experts had already reported that the weather balloon trailers that had been found had nothing to do with WMD, yet Bushco sat on this for almost a year before burying the […]

Iraq-Just a Reminder

Of what happened in Iraq while everyone was being amazed by the leaker-in-chief revelations.

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Three suicide bombers killed at least 71 Iraqis and wounded more than 140 on Friday in a spray of explosives and ball bearings that scattered body parts and seared flesh at a mosque connected with the nation’s largest […]

Afghan War Summarized

“Shrapnel from the rocket slashed through the children who were studying in the yard because there aren’t enough school buildings,” Hasan said. “Six were killed.”

“We Have Found the Weapons of Mass Destruction”

Said George W. Bush, on May 29th, 2003. However, on May 27th the government’s top experts had unanimously agreed that the “mobile biological laboratory” trailers were nothing of the sort. Their reports were suppressed until this very day.

5 US Soldiers Deaths’ Announced

The death rate is definltely going up.