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Blue Nation

Survey USA has a new state-by-stte poll on Bush’s approval rating. Here are maps reflecting the results:

1. Idaho +7 52/45 2. Utah +5 51/46 3. Wyoming +1 50/49 4. Oklahoma -3 47/51 5. Nebraska -4 47/51

So Oklahoman’s majority now disapproves of Bush.



Heavy fighting erupted between insurgents and US forces in the Iraqi city of Ramadi yesterday. Doctors at Ramadi`s hospital say 12 people were killed and 12 wounded from a U.S. airstrike. U.S. and Iraqi troops have launched a series of offensives in Anbar over the past few months aimed at securing western Iraq […]

Suicidal Troops Sent Into Battle Without Diagnosis

This is official insanity and is contributing to the death rate in Iraq, on all sides, for no good reason.

Once at war, some unstable troops are kept on the front lines while on potent antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, with little or no counseling or medical monitoring.

And some troops who developed post-traumatic stress disorder […]


This is from Brian Ross, the reporter who broke the Saipan/Delay scandal. He is the best reporter at ABC news bar none.

A senior federal law enforcement official tells ABC News the government is tracking the phone numbers we call in an effort to root out confidential sources.

“It’s time for you to get some […]

President Al Gore Addresses The Nation

Via Crooks and Liars, an SNL production.

Aloha Homeland Security

GOP Veteran robs us all blind.

It is a route that has benefited Mr. Rogers, creating jobs in his home district and profits for companies that are donors to his political causes. The congressman has also taken 11 trips %u2014 including six to Hawaii %u2014 on the tab of an organization that until this week […]

Cheney: Get Joe Wilson

Take a look at this piece of evidence filed by Patrick Fitzgerald in the Libby case. That’s the handwriting of Dick Cheney. Since the inception of this blog I’ve had a link (see lower right column) to the text of Wilson’s original Op-Ed. Now we have the version straight from Dick Cheney’s mark-up pen. Cheney […]

Chicago Police Tortured For Decades

NPR story.

Iraqi “Army” Units Battle Each Other

No, no civil war here. How irresponsible for you to even think that. Move along.

Injured Soldiers Beaten at Ft. Sill

New York Times –Army Acts to Curb Abuses of Injured Recruits

A civilian spokesman at the fort, Jon Long, said an investigation had substantiated “misbehavior” by a drill sergeant who, soldiers say, kicked a trainee with stitches in his knee. Mr. Long said the sergeant had been suspended and reassigned, along with another drill sergeant […]