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Injured Soldiers Beaten at Ft. Sill

New York Times –Army Acts to Curb Abuses of Injured Recruits

A civilian spokesman at the fort, Jon Long, said an investigation had substantiated “misbehavior” by a drill sergeant who, soldiers say, kicked a trainee with stitches in his knee. Mr. Long said the sergeant had been suspended and reassigned, along with another drill sergeant who, soldiers complained, had repeatedly awakened injured trainees throughout the night for uniform changes and formations.

The events, after a drill sergeant’s bribery scandal last year and a drug sting that ensnared 12 soldiers, have thrown a cloud over Fort Sill, one of the centers for nine weeks of basic training where volunteers first report on the way to Iraq or elsewhere. G.I.’s who fall prey to sprains and fractures and cannot complete the often grueling passage to “warrior” are sent to the Physical Training and Rehabilitation Program, where a motto reads “Heal and Ship.”

Ft. Sill is a prison. This is where they held Geronimo until he died.

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