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Chemical Warfare in Iraq

The insurgents have set off another chlorine truck bomb in Iraq. This is the 2nd one in 24 hours.

Cheney Loses It

You cannot say things like this. Pelosi knows it too. Bush would not return her call when she demanded that he make Cheney shut up. Read the interview, it’s even more unhinged than the recent CNN interview that Cheney did. He actually predicts that McCain will apologize for slamming Rummy, among other absolutely batty remarks.


Soldier Pleads Guilty in Iraq Gang Rape, Murder of Entire Family

Steven Green, the lead psycho in this case, has not gone to trial yet.

Bush “Was Aware” of Walter Reed Conditions “Certainly”

See the video to believe it.

Daylight Attack on US Troop Outpost

Get ready for more of this in the future. These guerillas were training themselves and probing the defensive moves of the US troops, in preparation for hitting the new “Fort Apaches” being set up in Baghdad as part of Bush’s “surge” plan. The insurgents are now literally on the offensive.

“A coordinated attack” is how […]

“If Iraq Don’t Kill You, Walter Reed Will.”

Part Two of the “Other Walter Reed” series in the Washington Post. Don’t expect to see Chris Matthews asking “Hardball” questions about this story tonight..

L.A. Times Identifies Three “Ghost Plane” Rendition Pilots

This paper deserves credit for tracking these guys down; they’re wanted in Germany at the very least for questioning and possibly for trial.

“One Bad Apple” Found at Heart of Abu Ghraib Torture

“(Hilas) told investigators that when he first arrived at Abu Ghraib last year, he was forced to strip, put on a hood and wear rose-colored panties with flowers on them. “Most of the days I was wearing nothing else,â€? he said in his statement. Hilas also said he witnessed an Army translator having sex with […]

CPSC Rigged Lead Tests in Children’s Lunchboxes

The Consumer Product Safety Commission, the agency that is supposed to protect us from dangerous products, rigged tests and covered up dangerous, illegal levels of lead in children’s lunchboxes.

Big GOP Donor Arrested for Sending $152,000 for Terrorist Training

Talk about under-reported.