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“One Bad Apple” Found at Heart of Abu Ghraib Torture

“(Hilas) told investigators that when he first arrived at Abu Ghraib last year, he was forced
to strip, put on a hood and wear rose-colored panties with flowers on them. “Most of the
days I was wearing nothing else,� he said in his statement. Hilas also said he witnessed
an Army translator having sex with a boy at the prison. He said the boy was between 15
and 18 years old. Someone hung sheets to block the view, but Hilas said he heard the
boy’s screams and climbed a door to get a better look. Hilas said he watched the assault
and told investigators that it was documented by a female soldier taking pictures….Hilas,
like other detainees interviewed by the military, said he could not identify some of the
soldiers because they either covered their name patches or did not wear uniforms. But he
and other detainees did know the names of three, including Graner and Sgt. Javal S.
Davis….Hilas told investigators that he asked Graner for the time one day because he
wanted to pray. He said Graner cuffed him to the bars of a cell window and left him there
for close to five hours, his feet dangling off the floor. Hilas also said he watched as Graner
and others sodomized a detainee with a phosphoric light. “They tied him to the
bed,â€? Hilas said.”

Ha’aretz has a book review of an Ariel Sharon biography. The book review, quoting the book, contains this passage:

Speaking of George Bush, with whom Sharon developed a very close relationship, Uri Dan recalls that Sharon’s delicacy made him reluctant to repeat what the president had told him when they discussed Osama bin Laden. Finally he relented. And here is what the leader of the Western world, valiant warrior in the battle of cultures, promised to do to bin Laden if he caught him: “I will screw him in the ass!”

Muslims all over the world are reading this now; compare it to the delicate, proper and fake-pious language of any public statement by Osama Bin Laden.

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