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Squalid Conditions at Walter Reed for America’s Heroes

How badly do you have to treat our troops before it crosses the border to treason?

Behind the door of Army Spec. Jeremy Duncan’s room, part of the wall is torn and hangs in the air, weighted down with black mold. When the wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can […]

Copernicus Was Wrong

Says two different powerful GOP lawmakers. What chance is there of passing legislation to respond to global warming in these states then?

Olbermann Gets Slot on NBC Network

Keith Olbermann’s contract with NBC, about to expire, gets a four year renewal. In addition, he’ll be given occasional slot for “essays” on the NBC Nightly News, and two network specials a year (NBC, not msNBC). This is a triumph for higher quality television news and has to seriously piss off O’Reilly as well.


How to Debate in the House of Representatives

The Resolution against escalating the Iraq war passed, 246-182. There are 201 Republicans in the House. This is one of the best speeches in favor of the resolution.

“I will not yield.” Ladies and Gentlemen, Tim Ryan, Democrat of Ohio

UPDATE: There’s a problem with this video 2/3 of the way in. If you […]

26 CIA Agents Indicted For Kidnapping

In Italy, but the headline may give false hope. When you’re a CIA agent, being indicted doesn’t automatically mean you will stand trial.

White House Counsel Axed Arkansas US Attorney

After the denials, the truth comes out, the White House absolutely was directly involved in the firing of an accomplished US Attorney, and replaced him with the former chief of Bush-Cheney campaign opposition research. It’s a bullseye direct hit, proving the charge that there is political motivation in this unprecedented wave of firings. It also […]

Your DC Press Corps

Then vs. now.

Top DOJ Lawyer Buys House with Abramoff Crook, Phillips VP

Then nine months later she gave Phillips a huge break on environmental cleanup. The story originally broke late Wednesday on the AP. It doesn’t get much more corrupt than this. And Conyers and Waxman are all over it. Spread this story around, raise hell.

Kidnapped Michigan Soldier Seen in Insurgent Footage

Did anyone in the US press report this? I sure didn’t see it.

Nevada Governor Under FBI Bribery Investigation

AP– This is the same guy who groped a woman who called 911 on him the night before the governor’s candidate debate last fall.