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Wisconsin Prosecution of Democrat “Preposterous”

The words of the Justices in the Georgia Thompson case, where a Democratic governor’s aide was framed in timing with the 2006 elections. She has been freed from an 18 month sentence, after being railroaded to prison by one of Bush’s US Attorneys, Stephen Biskupic. He was on the infamous purge list himself until successfully […]

A Hero’s Death

AP obtains more investigative reports on the top brass’s cover-up of Pat Tillman’s friendly fire death.

Nearby on the same base, a staff sergeant was in his tent when a captain walked in and told him to burn Tillman’s bloody clothing. “He wanted me alone to burn what was in the bag to prevent security […]

US Soldiers Building Wall in Baghdad

What happened to the wonderful contractors? Obviously it is too dangerous for anyone but fully armored combat soldiers to be involved in this construction.

Inside the Bloodbath

The figurative one in the Senate Hearing Room, that is, not the real one many individuals have experienced at the hands of US personnel after Alberto Gonzales declared the Geneva Conventions “quaint.”

Explaining his role in the botched firing of federal prosecutors, Gonzales uttered the phrase “I don’t recall” and its variants (“I have […]

Sudan Uses UN-Painted Planes to Flatten Entire Village

Darfur doesn’t get on this blog very much. This may change in the future. Of course without comments, I have no idea if people would care.

Ibrahim al-Helu, a commander in the Sudan Liberation Army rebel faction, said the air strike totally destroyed the village of Jemmeiza. “There are casualties but darkness is making it […]


Rick Renzi is hopelessly corrupt, and already involved in the US Attorney purge scandal (fired US attorney Paul Charlton was getting too close to his dad’s lucrative defense contracts, partly arranged by Renzi).

US Releases Avowed Terrorist to Freedom

Posada, for now, is a free man. He and his buddy Orlando Bosch (freed by Bush I) blew up an airliner in 1976, killing 73 innocent people. How do we know this? They boasted about it for years. I recall that when Bosch was released, Jeb was years away from being governor, but he was […]

“White House Senior Aides” on CNN

CNN reporting quotes from White House senior aides. Leaking these statements out anonymously during hearings:

“Going down in flames.”

“Not doing himself any favors.”

“Watching clubbing a baby seal.” (watching testimony)

“Very troubling.”

“Don’t understand that tactic Gonzales used.”

Some super duper “loyalty” rewards there from the steadfast George W. Bush, eh?

A Moment of Silence

For the 223 people who lost their lives in Iraq Wednesday, and their friends and families.

In the bloodiest attack, a parked car exploded on a principal intersection and in a busy market area in the downtown district of Al-Sadriyah, scattering charred corpses among a row of burnt-out buses.

A fire incinerated human flesh, […]


This happens the day before Gonzales will be asked why he schemed to remove Carol Lam in response to a letter from Duke Cunningham, Doolittle, and Jerry Lewis complaining about a non-existent “immigration enforcement problem” in her office.

Doolittle is one of the corrupt GOP Congress members who was under investigation by US Attorney Lam […]