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Sudan Uses UN-Painted Planes to Flatten Entire Village

Darfur doesn’t get on this blog very much. This may change in the future. Of course without comments, I have no idea if people would care.

Ibrahim al-Helu, a commander in the Sudan Liberation Army rebel faction, said the air strike totally destroyed the village of Jemmeiza.
“There are casualties but darkness is making it difficult to reach them or know their number,” he told Reuters by telephone.
“A lot of civilians have fled the village. Some have gone missing,” he said. Sudan’s government has strongly denied accusations made in a confidential United Nations report that it was flying weapons and other military equipment into the war-torn Darfur region in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. The report said the government was using planes painted white to resemble U.N. aircraft to bomb and carry out surveillance of villages in Darfur.

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