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White House Closing the Bunker Doors

According to this op-ed in the Washington Post, all of Bush’s aides have been told to quit by Labor Day or they must stay until the bitter end. As the author, Clinton’s former Chief of Staff John Podesta points out, this is really unusual. Imagine that, a group of fascists locked in a bunker while […]

Tony Snow, Others Prepare to Quit Bush Administration

From right-wing Hugh Hewitt’s radio show today:

HH: Now when Karl announced his resignation, he said that Josh Bolton had requested that anyone who wasn’t going to go the distance leave now. Are there any other resignations upcoming, Tony Snow?

TS: I think that probably…as Josh said the other day, he thinks there are probably […]

At Least 400 Were Killed in Northern Iraq Bombing

Say iraqi officials. It’s probably 500, in fact. The people in the area are begging for help as the mass murder turns into a refugee crisis. This is the largest terror attack on the planet Earth since 9-11-01.

“People are in shock. Hospitals here are running out of medicine. The pharmacies are empty. We need […]

Iraq Vet Marine Pleads Guilty to Drowning Death

The victim’s family agreed to the plea bargain, based on the PTSD caused by his “experiences in Iraq.” What kind of experiences would those have to be in order to get such an agreement from the family of a 22 year old girl that he killed with his bare hands?


In Northern Iraq, this was apparently a sectarian attack against a small sect known as Yazidis in one of their home villages. This attack was very unusual, it took place at 8PM local time and seems to be near-genocidal in intent.

UPDATE: NOW IT’S FOUR BOMBS REPORTED, in addition to the major bridge destroyed in […]

Appeal Arguments in Narus Case Tomorrow

If you have ever wondered where the name of the blog comes from, it refers to what’s inside Room 641A.

Why Did Rove Resign?

The brilliant emptywheel gives her take on the question. My pick is the Iglesias investigation, the e-mails recently released show plenty of evidence that Rove was directly involved in a cover-up attempt after the US Attorney scandal broke. Remember for example that he met personally with McNulty to “prep” McNulty the day before McNulty’s false […]

“Christian Boot Camp” Drags 15 Year Old Behind Van

This isn’t just assault, as far as I’m concerned it’s attempted murder.

Bin Laden Speaks

Inside the Black Sites

The excellent Jane Mayer in the New Yorker.