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U.S. Troops Shoot and Kill 10-year-old Iraqi Girl

No indication of inquiry or court martial. What does John McCain have to say about this?

Air National Guard Bombs Tulsa Apartment Complex

Collateral damage: power was knocked out. That’s the preliminary, anyway. Heads had better roll. I predict a sudden deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan is in the works for the culprits instead.

Keith Olbermann Special Comment on Ferraro/Clinton

Keith of course took the approach of saying that surely Clinton did not want Ferraro to do the things she did. I’m not so sure.

Pepsi Flack in Racial Attack

So Geraldine Ferraro decided to say some really idiotic stuff about Barack Obama, threatening to set race relations in this country back 20 years or more. Â Here was Obama’ response on Tuesday:

Now folks, that should have been the end of it, particularly since there was an election in Mississippi yesterday, right? No, she […]

No Mississippi Results Yet

This will be the last contest until April 22nd, when Pennsylvania, the largest remaining state, has its primary. While we wait, chew on this: Highlights of early Mississippi exit poll resultsBy The Associated PressAn exit poll finds Barack Obama voters are a bit more charitable toward Hillary Rodham Clinton than vice versa in Mississippi’s Democratic […]

Mass Death in Iraq

Eight US soldiers were killed yesterday, not five as I previously posted (the word of the bombing killing the other three was not on the wires yet). Today, a roadside bomb intended for a US convoy killed 16 people in a minibus. The assassinations of Sunnis who are being paid to be pro-US continues, as […]

Hillary Clinton Goes After Elected Obama Delegates

This was predicted, and now it is happening. After all, what does it matter what the people actually want? It’s “just politics,” right? Who cares if it’s called the Democratic Party, what’s in a name?

Mike Smith, 1943-2008

Tonight he’ll be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. As Tom Petty once said, “it should have been called the Mike Smith Five.” He’s the sandy haired guy singing lead.

Five US Soldiers Killed in Baghdad

Violence is going down, they say. Meanwhile, a suicide bomber killed yet another of the “US ally” Sunni leaders, this is happening like clockwork.

How “the Program” of Domestic Spying Works

According to the Wall Street Journal, this is a major piece of journalism.