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Dead in US Custody

This is the country we live in. This is what Bush and Cheney have produced. Mr. Ng’s death follows a succession of cases that have drawn Congressional scrutiny to complaints of inadequate medical care, human rights violations and a lack of oversight in immigration detention, a rapidly growing network of publicly and privately run jails […]

McCain Wants War

And he wants it now. Too bad that Russia just agreed to a cease-fire in which they receive everything they wanted out of this conflict.

Hillary Clinton Campaign Memos Leaked

Read them in order to see McCain’s current campaign strategy spelled out. This is as close as you will get before November to reading McCain’s internal campaign memos.

Bush Bans Voter Registration Drives at VA Facilities

If there was ever a situation that calls for civil disobedience, this is one. Voter registration groups should set up on sidewalks and in the lobbies of VA facilities and get themselves arrested, again and again, until this injustice is stopped. Imagine how sick and twisted it is to ban a wounded veteran from registering […]

How to Cover for Your Friends

There’s no one more captive to the people they’re supposed to be covering than your average Pentagon reporter.  Barbara Starr’s Pentagon buddies have a problem, so she releases a minimalist “story” with no link to the blog in question, and not showing you the very subject of the story, the photographs, at all. This […]

They Really Are Proud of Being Ignorant

McCain once again tries to mock Obama for advocating keeping your tires inflated, two days after McCain agreed it was a good idea to do so.  This is a double flip flop. How did the GOP ever think it was a good idea to ridicule a perfectly good idea like keeping your tires properly […]

Bush Negotiating Iraqi Withdrawal by October 2010

This has been leaked to undercut Obama. Any troop withdrawal “plan” issued before election day is not worth the paper it’s written on.

Hate, Democratic-Party Style

This is the worst attack ad of the 2008 elections so far, and it’s an attack ad by a Democrat against another Democrat.  I’d say the Obama=Antichrist one is close, though. Â

Obama Takes On McCain Head-On Over Oil

Finally. Now hit him more on the money and again on the even dirtier money.

UPDATE: McCain now agrees that keeping tires inflated is a good idea, not one to be ridiculed, and Obama is properly ridiculing him for ever taking such a stupid position. The McCain campaign is in a shambles and rather than […]

Suskind: WH Ordered Iraq-9/11 Letter Forgery When WMDs Not Found

Explosive charges from Pulitzer Prize winner Ron Suskind, who has been proven right before. Don’t miss this interview with Suskind aired on NPR this morning. What Suskind says in his new book is that the Iraqi intelligence chief was a CIA asset, and told them in advance that there were no WMD (they were also […]