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Bush’s Unemployment Disaster Rivals 1983

The economic crisis most of us (and the media) tried to ignore for a few weeks is now back on the front pages in a big way, which was inevitable once election day passed. The percentage of adults working is the lowest in 15 years. Keep in mind that 15 years ago, less women were […]

Coleman Hides as Franken Closes Gap to 238 Votes

The sequel to Florida 2000 continues, and there is probably no more fitting person for the “Democrat who is just short” role than Al Franken. Although his policies may be similar to Al Gore’s, this Al is 300% tougher and will never give an inch. This won’t end until every ballot in the state has […]

In 2004, CBS Considered Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter Independent Panel

Must read to believe, also read the comment in this article by “Hadashito,” just below the main article.

The “Real America”

2008 Cartogram showing the United States with states resized for their proportion of the US population. If you click on that link to the original, on that site you can get data about each state by rolling over it.

US-Advised Georgian Military Started Disastrous War

Stupid foreign officials everywhere, listen up, don’t take advice from Bush.

Voter Turnout Feel – Good 2008!

It was, in fact, virtually unchanged. TV news producers knew which precincts to go to in order to get footage of really long lines, which in some cases they hoped would motivate “real America” (as McCain’s campaign so elegantly put it) to respond in kind. You know what? It didn’t happen.

What Almost Happened Tuesday Night

How close did we really come? What about 2012?

Voting Machines Elect One Of Their Own As President

Chambliss, Georgia Trying To Hide Votes

To avoid runoff in Senate race. Claiming with a straight face that African-American turnout in Georgia went down anywhere in Georgia compared to 2000, 2004, is uh, very mavericky to say the least.

ICE Chief Resigns After Illegal Leak Against Obama’s Relative

Days after the still-uninvestigated illegal leak about Obama’s half-aunt. Another Bush soldier falls on their sword, the first one to do so post-election. McCain better arrange a good job for her.

Decontamination Map

I took a screenshot from this New York Times interactive map in order to post it about 18 hours ago, but was so exhausted I didn’t get around to it. Now I see it’s plastered on the front of the Huffington Post. This is a “change” map, it shows the direction of shift in a […]