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DEA Agent Indicted For Framing 17 People

If you can’t find guilty people, frame them. This was Bush’s policy when it came to “link” he wanted to fabricate between Iraq and the 9/11 attacks, so what’s good for the leader was good for the DEA.

No Charges in Police Taser Killing of 15-Year-Old

If you don’t count, because you’re not the son of someone upper middle class or rich, you can be killed like a dog. Note the invention here of a completely fabricated bullshit medical term.

95 Children Died in US Air Attack

Out of 140 killed. How many children died on September 11, 2001?


Of this Nazi bastard, to Germany.

US Fires Top Afghanistan General

I think this firing is related specifically to the recent civilian deaths in US air attacks and the resulting instability in the Afghan government’s hold on power.


Tortured to fabricate a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda, waterboarded, then later “renditioned” to Qaddafi’s Libya, now he’s dead just when the investigation into his treatment was to begin. The witness is dead.

Wesleyan Killer Suspect Turns Self In

He had threatened to kill Jews, to the point that the whole University was locked down.

“Watch what you say to white folks”

These are the words of Senator Jeff Sessions, as spoken in the 1980s to a black employee. He is now the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and therefore in charge of blocking anyone picked by Barack Obama for the Supreme Court.

Red Cross: US Bombing Raid Kills Dozens of Civilians in Afghanistan

This is never going to work.

The ICRC team was unable to determine the exact number of dead but their impression was that dozens of people, including women and children, had been killed. The ICRC workers were told that some of the dead had already been buried by the time they arrived on the scene. […]

“Joe the Plumber” Leaves the GOP

And thus ends, hopefully, any mention of him again on this blog. Unless he gets arrested. Or shoots somebody, as I said once in the past.