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Red Cross: US Bombing Raid Kills Dozens of Civilians in Afghanistan

This is never going to work.

The ICRC team was unable to determine the exact number of dead but their impression was that dozens of people, including women and children, had been killed. The ICRC workers were told that some of the dead had already been buried by the time they arrived on the scene. They found several volunteers of the Afghan Red Crescent Society helping in rescue efforts.

“We know that those killed included an Afghan Red Crescent volunteer and 13 members of his family who had been sheltering from fighting in a house that was bombed in an air strike,” said the ICRC’s head of delegation in Kabul, Reto Stocker. “We are deeply concerned by these events. Tribal elders in the villages called the ICRC during the fighting to report civilian casualties and ask for help. As soon as we heard of the attacks we contacted all sides to warn them that there were civilians and injured people in the area.”

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