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Freedom Rider Honored in Jackson

Over 40 years later, someone remembered.

United Group of Iranian Clerics Denounce Election Fraud

Their statement is defiant enough that they seem to be risking imprisonment, at the least. Printing up ballots is pretty damned brazen, it would also explain why the turnout was over 100% in “only” 50 cities.


Like Aquino before him, this is a brave and patriotic man. Let’s hope it doesn’t end the way it did with Aquino. The US has a lot of power to make sure nobody gets killed, Obama had better send the right signals before that plane enters Honduran airspace.

5th Serial Killer Victim Dies as South Carolina Governor Vacations in Florida

He’s the chief executive of the state, in charge of law enforcement and the state police. What the hell? At least Palin resigned in order to allow someone else interested in  running the state to take over. Will he return from his Florida vacation, his second in less than a month, before the teenaged […]

Palin: The Reviews Are In

And they’re not good, but they are kinda funny as hell.


Can’t see how this can possibly fit in with Presidential ambitions. I predicted since last year that she would not be a Presidential candidate in 2012, as much as I would like to see it.

UPDATE: “Sources tell NBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Palin is out of politics for good.” Sanford and Palin, all in one […]

Saddam Hussein Interrogation Transcripts Released

This is a must read, every bit of it. If John McCain were President right now, we would still be years away from being able to see a word of it.

Washington Post Sells Lobbyist Access to Reporters, Government Officials

A very real bombshell that I hope accelerates the demise of the entire paper off the face of this earth.

S. Carolina Capitol City Newspaper Questions Sanford’s Mental State

Oh no, has the running theme of this blog for a whole week become a front page headline in the newspaper Mark Sanford reads every day? You bet it has.

Sanford Reneges On Promise To Release Financial Records

Wonder why he would do that? I also wonder why he only paid $3,000 to the state over his 2008 Argentina “trade” trip that violated US policy, when he previously said he would pay $6,000.