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Can’t see how this can possibly fit in with Presidential ambitions. I predicted since last year that she would not be a Presidential candidate in 2012, as much as I would like to see it.

UPDATE: “Sources tell NBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Palin is out of politics for good.” Sanford and Palin, all in one week. Sucks to be a GOP Presidential hopeful these days.

UPDATE 2: Some Democratic-leaning blogs are pushing an Alaskan rumor that there is a federal investigation for embezzlement, about to result in an indictment, over the bizarre and inexplicable construction process of Palin’s “homemade” house, which looks remarkably similar to the huge money-pit Wasilla Sports Complex, built just down the road while she was mayor. If so her choice of the house as the site for her resignation press conference is particularly strange. Ask Ted Stevens whether it’s unusual for crooked Alaska Republicans to take bribes in the form of a house.

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