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Teabaggers Scream “Nigger” and “Faggot” At Congress Members

This is happening inside the Capitol of your country, TODAY. Call the wavering House members and tell them to vote against this RACIST MOVEMENT who calls themselves the “Tea Party.”

The Truth Comes Out

This man supports treason, and he’s a member of the United States Congress.

Republicans Circulate Forged “Democratic” Document

It’s a forgery. Â This is a new low.

Ashcroft Loses In Appeal Again

He’s being held personally responsible for holding people as “material witnesses” for the crime of being Arab in the US after 9/11. This is great legal news.


Has to be seen to be believed. Coburn is actually promising he will block the hypothetical nominations of any Democrat who votes for health care reform, loses their Congressional seat, and then is given a Senate-confirmable appointment by Obama in the future. I’m sure that everyone on the Democratic side is quaking in their boots. […]

Multiple Subpoenas Served in Nevada Senator Bribery Investigation

This is going to end in criminal charges, Ensign broke tax laws, lobbying laws, and bribery laws by paying off the husband and the children of his mistress, while laundering the money through his parents. When a US Senator gets criminal charges (unless they beat them all), they are finished.

C-SPAN Completes Online Archive

Thus allowing me to link to this video with a great sense of satisfaction. One of the greatest entertainment moments of the last decade. This 90 minute show was so great that even Molly Ivins, the innocent bystander in the Franken-O’Reilly brawl, is well worth listening to.


This is the crunch time on health care. If this vote passes, the others ones are a piece of cake and there will be some form of health care reform in this country, and 31 million more people will be able to get health insurance. Here is the list of House members and their phones […]


I don’t think that headline is bold enough for this story. Fuck you, Texas book board. And every single Texan who doesn’t personally do something about this, fuck you.UPDATE: All of us can help. Support this candidate and also this other candidate, both of whom are running to replace the FUCKING MANIACS WHO JUST BANNED […]

Secret Deal Allowed US Nuclear Weapons In Japan

After many years, the real history of how things were done begins official exposure. It’s a good thing that the journalist who tried to expose this during the Watergate era is alive to be vindicated. According to this story, his case is still in court after nearly 40 years.