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This is the crunch time on health care. If this vote passes, the others ones are a piece of cake and there will be some form of health care reform in this country, and 31 million more people will be able to get health insurance. Here is the list of House members and their phones numbers and status. You should check it periodically for updates during the day because some members are announcing their yes vote as the day goes on and the pressure succeeds.

Rep. Jason Altmire 202-225-2565 will be voting yes
Rep. Brian Baird (202) 225-3536 Possible Yes–Call him!
Rep. Bart Gordon (202) 225-4231 Probable yes as well–call him!
Rep. John Boccieri (202) 225-3876
Rep. Brad Ellsworth (202) 225-4636
Rep. Baron Hill (202) 225-5315
Rep. Scott Murphy (202) 225-5614 Will be voting yes
Rep. Glenn Nye (202) 225-4215
Rep. John Tanner (202) 225-4714 Possible yes–call!
Rep. Suzanne Kosmas (202) 225-2706 Possible yes
Rep. John Adler (202) 225-4765 Says he’s a NO vote–push on him hard!
Rep. Lincoln Davis 202.225.6831
Rep. Jim Matheson (202) 225-3011
Rep. Harry Teague (202) 225-2365
Rep. Travis Childers (202) 225-4306
Rep. Jerry Costello (202) 225-5661 Undecided
Rep. Zack Space (202) 225-6265
Rep. Mike Doyle 202-225-2135
Rep. Michael Arcuri (202)225-3665
Rep. Chris Carney (202) 225-3731
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315
Rep. Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172
Rep. Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701
Rep. Bill Owens (202) 225-4611
Rep. Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611

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