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Burn The Confederate Flag Day

Interesting idea, if you ask me. If you participate, be ready to be physically attacked, though.

Obama’s US Citizenship Investigated, Confirmed By US in 1967

Newly released documents obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act show that due to an immigration issue involving Obama’s mother and new husband which she married in 1965, the US federal government investigated and confirmed three times during their internal reporting on the subject, that Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961 and […]

Prison Guard Kills Lawyer As Part of Plot To Overthrow US Government

Not one, but two prison guards, men who are armed as a routine part of their job, one of them is alleged to have shot a lawyer at a gun range simply in order to steal the man’s rifle for use in a plot to (apparently violently) overthrow the US government. Pennsylvania is the same […]

Racists Burn Playground At Texas Mosque

Apparently they left some sicko artwork too.