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Obama’s US Citizenship Investigated, Confirmed By US in 1967

Newly released documents obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act show that due to an immigration issue involving Obama’s mother and new husband which she married in 1965, the US federal government investigated and confirmed three times during their internal reporting on the subject, that Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961 and has been since the moment of his birth, continuously, a US citizen. This is the single largest factual development since the original media stories exploring his background in 2008 when he was running for President. Those wanting to claim that Obama was born in another country now have to implicate both the State of Hawaii and the U.S. government, going back to 1961 and 1967 respectively, in some sort of conspiracy to lie about Obama’s place of birth. Such an enormous challenge to rational thought, of course, will not stop them. Many kudos to, an excellent web site, for making the FOIA request and for doing a great job of covering the world of “birther” conspiracy theories and lies.

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