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Who Did Romney Insult More?

The red states here, or the blue states?

UPDATE: It’s a trick question. The answer is both.

Romney Jokes That He Wishes He Were Mexican

You think I’m making this up. I’m not making this up. From the same video:

My heritage, my dad as you probably know was the governor of Michigan and was the head of a car company. But he was born in Mexico, and, uh, had he been born of, uh, Mexican parents, I’d have a […]

Romney Flees Press After Three Questions

The meltdown is picking up steam.

This is no longer “it’s the arithmetic, stupid.” It is now “it’s the stupid arithmetic.” You can’t say that you don’t want to represent or appeal to 47% of the American people, and then be their President. It’s not going to happen.

Take It To The Bank

Says Bloomberg News. If the stock market shoots up in the next few weeks, you will know why. The “fear and uncertainty” is over, Barack Obama will get another term as President.

Romney Boasts On His Deplorable Jobs Plan

For Chinese girls. If I don’t see any comments on this, I am shutting down this blog.

Romney Pushes Racist Conspiracy Theory In Private Meeting

But tell us what you really think, Mitt!

He is completely busted. This breaks the back, campaign over.

Santorum: We, Conservatives, Are Stupid

Speaks for itself. This isn’t the first time he has used the “smart people don’t like me and are picking on me” angle.

New York Times “Revises” Story On Romney Middle East Fiasco

Here is the first version of the story, pulled down by the New York Times since and revised, which originally included this passage:

For a country looking to understand how Mr. Romney, a Republican candidate with no foreign policy experience, would respond to a major crisis, this was a first glimpse. And as an adviser […]

Protesters Storm US Embassy In Yemen

There is gunfire right now and protesters are inside the compound. Like Mitt Romney and the US Embassy in Cairo, they condemn a certain film.

Paul Ryan Went Mum When Romney Doubled Down On Lies

Ryan obviously wants to run for President in 2016. Mitt Romney is now so finished as a Presidential candidate, his running mate is even trying to back away from him. If this continues it will be noticed by the media.